Highest Quality Yet Affordable Surgery
Spay and Neuter
- Mass Removals
- Surgical Dentistry
- Cystotomy/ Bladder stone removal
- Orthopedic conditions including cruciate procedures
- Fracture Repairs
- Ophthalmic Surgery
- Pyometra
- Gastropexy
- Foreign Body removal
- Splenectomy
Surgery and anesthesia safety are paramount
Your pet will always have:
- Pre-anesthesia blood testing and physical examination by a veterinarian.
- Premed pain and anxiety relief
- Continuous individual monitoring with a human- grade monitoring machine and a dedicated technician
- Anesthesia with Sevoflurane (much faster recovery / less "hangover" than with Isoflurane)
- IV catheter and IV fluids for safety and to maintain blood pressure/ hydration
- Post surgery laser therapy to speed healing and reduce pain
- Your pet's technician will stay right beside your pet until they are fully recovered and stable
- Personalized post op pain management plan, including pain and sedative medications to go home
Our surgery service is worlds apart from low-cost/ high volume centers.